Monday, June 27, 2011

Technologically not-so-savvy

I have many skills (-insert: Napoleon Dynamite voice-); I can zip thru texts ranging from Harry Potter to Federal court rulings; I can bust out a 12 page research paper in a matter of hours (I perfected this particular skill in undergrad), and I consider myself to be a pretty good cook. However, I cannot for the life of me move upward from my "sub-par" status in the technology world.

My latest conundrum: syncing my iPhone to my iTunes. Last night I finally borrowed a USB syncing/charger cord thing for my phone and I was so excited to transfer all of my new music. So after a long and tiring day I snuggled into my nest, booted up my new mac book, and said aloud, "This shouldn't be too difficult". Turns out I was wrong. Right off the bar I was prompted to register my phone, then to update it, then to do something like verify my computer so that I could legally transfer my purchased items to my iTunes library. All in a matter of seconds. I clicked the "OK's" and "Not now's" and, after searching for a good 10 minutes for the "sync" tab, I downloaded my entire playlist to my phone. There was quite a bit, so in the meantime I fbooked a little, checked my emails, etc... When it was "OK to disconnect" I excitedly checked my phone only to find that ALL OF MY APPS WERE MISSING!!! Did the app monster sneak into my phone and steal what was rightfully his??! Were they hidden in a secret folder I don't know about?!? Were they illegally downloaded and my info sent to the FCC? Nope--none of the above. Apparently when I was blindly clicking the introductory prompts I answered an "OK" instead of a "Cancel". I am still confused as to whether or not I can sync new songs without re-downloading my entire library, and more importantly, whether or not all of my apps will be erased the next time I sync my phone. Any advice would be great (hint hint, Mostoutspokenmily, I require your assistance!)

But really, why do I act surprised?? I know my rightful place in the world of tech., and should know better than to trying something new without first consulting one of my many technologically savvy friends. What a girl to do?!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reinvigorated & ready to go! ( seven weeks...)

In seven days it will be exactly one year since my last post. I tried to resist the urge of posting something new until June 30th 2011, but the temptation of resuming my contributions to the blogosphere prevented me from doing any such thing. So here I am, wasting away at my desk at work and getting paid insanely too much to be writing this very post. But alas! My job responsibilities have been passed on to my successor and, according to my supervisor, I am useless and have been considered so for the past four weeks. **Disclaimer: she did not overtly say this, however her actions speak WAY louder than words**

In any case, I am counting the days until I am free from the confines of my 8am-5pm life, at which point I will resume the life of an 8am-12am student. This switching of gears is what propels my conviction to maintain my blog and not let it fall into shambles as I have done over the past year. In so doing, I have no other choice but to look for the fun, quirky, and light-hearten moments of my first semester at law school that will make this blog worth writing and, most importantly, totally worth your read! My sanity is determined by my level of happiness, and my happiness has deep roots in the laughter and love I share with my friends and family. I have no other choice but to seek out the "funnies" of my future reality. At least, that's my plan for now.....

So read what you want and skip the parts that bore you; hopefully my words will accurately describe my new adventures and will inspire you to seek out your own that surely lay ahead.

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