How pitiful is this…I finished my lunch at home, which was pretty good. A green salad with cucumbers and tomato, a can of tuna salad right in the middle with FF Italian dressing drizzle. DELIGHT! But my sweet tooth kicks in (naturally) and after scouring all of the cupboards for something to satisfy, I dashed to the Jr. Foods for a Peppermint Patty. No bills—only change. The depth of my change wallet is deceiving, however. First of al, they are $1.09 for one! The nervous cramps come on as I approach the counter. I dump out my change purse and after exhausting all of my $0.60 silver coins, I turn to the pennies. I fall short 6 cents of the $1.16 total. Puppy eyes to the cashier = engaged! She let me have the chocolate delight and I told her she was an angel who just satisfied my desirous craving! I might have an addiction…
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