This is my first blog ever. The original plan was to start June 1 to June 1, because this is the next chapter to my post-graduated life. But my morning was too epic to pass up. Woke up this morning with a massive headache, the fruits of my not-so-late labor of delighting in katherine's pony keg. Perhaps not such a bad idea at the time but my digestive system did not like me this morning. Of course, I ended my night with the leftovers in the fridge. The shmorgus board of food was no doubt off the charts of my caloric intake. Naturally, I woke up hungry and craved my usual PB&J...toasted of course! Devoid of a toaster (why not?!) I turn on the broiler on high--efficiency was the only route to satisfy my hunger. I go upstairs to grab my computer and the smell of something burning hits me in the face as soon as I come downstairs. Of course the tupperware from my primal late night feeding were stting on the burner. Why did the heavy duty lid have to burn? Doesn't it always seem to happen this way? I frantically stick it in the sink and call my mum with her suggestions for cleaning it up. After a brief sigh (I can already hear the "you'll burn the house down" flashback from my childhood) she told me to scrape it off. I burnt my fingertips and nearly put a hole in the papertowel on which I slung the half-way melted piece. Why did I use a paper receptical? Who knows.
Then the smell of burning returns! Was it the phantom plasticware again? Did I miss one in my frenzy? Nope--my toast burnt. Apparently it didn't matter because I smeared the PB on one side and the jam on the other. This is my second dilema of the morning--why I chose to cut corners on generic jam I will never know. I consume at least one PB&J every day--needless to say I go through a berry field of jam every week. On a budget of only $40 for two weeks I was without any jam and becoming quite cranky because I has not had my fix in about 3 days. No good. For consideration and safety of my roomates I finally went to the grocery.vvI seriously debated in the jam isle for 5 whole minutes (longer than one would expect) about generic vs. Smuckers. I made the wrong choice and am now STUCK with a huge jar of strawberry (not even the mixed berry that I prefer...too expensive even on the fake front). What is a girl to do??? On top of all this, I cannot find my glasses and am currently typing this throughblurry eyes. Can't take much more.
Signing off for now. Must make the decision to shower before lunch. Is a three day streak too much??
Always, repeat, Always Shmockers. No generic when it come to PB&J...Just think how boring life would be without days like this...